Saturday, January 28, 2012

Famous Parisians; moments in Paris history

So in case you haven't noticed, my day to day life is not that interesting, especially in the winter.  Today I wanted to go to a museum and take some pictures along the river but it's pouring.  At the moment I just want to curl up in bed and read.

What to do about this in terms of the blog?  Of course if I do things of interest I'll keep posting them, but I thought I might start talking about some of the more remarkable Parisians in history (or today, if I can think of some) or the most important events for the city.  Sometimes I refer to them and I know people don't really know what I mean, but some of them are still quite significant to Paris.  I'll start later today I think.

In other news, Catherine Deneuve is doing a film presentation at J's school on Thursday (after school).  I hope I can get tickets, I'll let you know.

Lastly, I've discovered this amusingly egotistical but, in my opinion, probably true "motto" (whose motto this is, exactly, I'm not sure but I like it): "Only Paris is worthy of Rome; only Rome is worthy of Paris."  Apparently this sentiment is why Paris' only "sister city" in the world is Rome.  

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