Saturday, September 17, 2011

Les Schtroumpfs

This is one of the most fun words ever in French! It's said pretty much how it looks: shtroompfs. Go ahead, try it! And make sure to get that gutteral French R.

So what are Schtroumpfs? Any guesses?

If you guessed Smurfs (all two of you) you're right! It's actually the original name, as it was first a Belgian cartoon.

Anyway, one of the kids called me this morning to ask if I'd go see the Smurf movie. It was cute, and surprisingly easy for me to understand - it was dubbed in French.

The kid was super excited when the Schtroumpfs were sent to NYC, where I just came from.

I met up with the mother afterwards, and she had the baby with her. He was so very excited to see me! I was surprised. He insisted I hold him for a while then actually started to cry when I left. I'm glad he is happy with me as he's so attached to his mother I was afraid he'd be trouble.

The movie ruined my plans for buying apartment stuff today but I should be able to do it Monday. Bonus points to the movie anyway for having Tim Gunn in it!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Anonymous said...

I love Tim Gunn too and I had no idea he was in the Schtroumpfs. My kids loved the little blue gems and you just reminded me of a fun time.

So glad you stopped in to visit and that you are scoring big points with les enfants.


bdaniels said...

I have gotten caught up with your blog. It sounds like it is going well with the children. I am so glad. Do you remember Paige? I think she hung around you when we had the reunion in Virginia. She is taking both piano lessons and violin lessons. Her violin teacher says she is doing well. Thought you might like to know she is following in your footsteps.