Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This was my Thanksgiving dinner:

Salmon and tuna sushi, an apple, and a smoothie.  Yum!  But not quite your traditional Thanksgiving.

I found an American food store here and I know that they have mixes for stuffing and gravy and some other things that might have been nice, but I was so busy during the days this week and generally was out of work too late to get there (it closes at 7pm).

I was going to Skype with my family but evidently they all forgot that was happening.  So instead, here am I doing a blog!  It's definitely the most pathetic Thanksgiving I've had.  Maybe this weekend I will get the food and make myself a post-Thanksgiving feast.

Anyway, from what I've seen most French people are aware of Thanksgiving's existence, but are unsure what it's about.  One asked me how it's different from Christmas, and J keeps mixing them up (when I told him Thanksgiving was today he said, oh, you don't have Christmas in December?).  I found that pretty amusing - it takes a bit of explaining to get them straight on both holidays.  Especially when I get into what it's supposed to commemorate and the fact that that incident is almost completely made up...

Also most were surprised that it's supposed to be on a Thursday.  I guess that's too specific for people who make the "holiday" of All Saints' Day a week and a half long!  J was absolutely in raptures today when I described to him all the food we make/eat on Thanksgiving, it was cute.  He would definitely love a day that's all about eating to excess. 

I hope you all are having a good Thanksgiving!  I'm going to do a bunch of posts this weekend, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

mjcburton said...

Speaking as a member of Angie's family, I assumed she would correct her post, but apparently she forgot to redeem our good names. Angie reported that her family forgot to skype with her, but actually both our computers, ours and Angie's, reported that the other was not online and Skype would not connect. We emailed her so she would know she was appearing as offline. Finally we got through using someone else's computer and Angie had a nice tour of our Thanksgiving feast, said hi to most of the 32 people at the house, and she likewise did a tour of her little abode for the holiday guests.
No one forgot that we planned to skype with Angie!