Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm here!

After a long trip (but not nearly as long as last time) I am finally back in Paris!  I'm pretty tired so excuse any rambling in this post.

So first, my street is adorable, as is my apartment and the girl from whom I'm subletting.  I'm living on one of those old, narrow, cobblestone streets with very little car traffic.  Here's the street from my window:

The building seems old but not too old (many apartment buildings like this in Paris are from the 18th century) - narrow hallways, a very tiny elevator with old fashioned doors, old and somewhat worn floors.  My apartment, however, is actually bigger than the apartment I had in Brooklyn and is very cheery.  Almost too cheery for me, maybe.  I kind of suspect the girl, or whoever had this apartment before her, is an art student.  The walls and ceiling are all painted with brightly colored murals; at least they're kind of pretty.

I really love the windows, they're probably my favorite part of the apartment.  They're old rickety but let in lots of light and have pretty, flowy curtains.

The girl left me with lots of interesting utensils and assorted cooking implements (a juicer, a soup pot yay!, mismatched mugs, and strangely, two unopened bottles of champagne) but no trash can.

Anyway, the biggest surprise was this lovely view from my window:

I knew this place was very close to the Pantheon but I forgot it's at the top of a hill.  I love this area!  On the cab ride coming here we drove through my old neighborhood and I got a little nostalgic, but I realized I'm living a lot closer to it than I thought.  In fact, we went right by Aurelien's apartment (I have no idea whether he still lives there or not)!  It was like fate, obviously.

It's a little chilly here in Paris and I'm very tired so I think I'll probably take a nap rather than go out and wander as I had planned.  The downside to this is I'm left with only the food I picked up at the airport: some crackers, a mini bag of pretzels, and a few Reece's cups.  Sigh.

PS I had to go back and edit this because I'm SURE someone is going to comment that my picture makes it look like the Pantheon is sinking on one side.  Alas, if one is to read this blog one must deal with crooked pictures.


tpb said...

Great pictures. Looks lovely. Have fun. Get some sleep.--pop

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,

Kathy, Nancy and I saw your pictures and we love your apartment. We're so sorry we are stuck here in the lower level of Levermore while you have such beautiful views out your window and all of Paris to visit and enjoy.
We'll continue to write to you so keep the great stories and photos coming.

We miss you!

Sheryl, Kathy and Nancy