Thursday, January 24, 2008

the continuing adventures of angie the jew

I am often mistaken for being Jewish. I'm not sure why, but I think it's generally because I know things about Judaism; not that I'm an expert or anything, but between being interested in the history of religions in general and growing up on Long Island...well, you get to know things, especially very basic things. So a lot of people at school tend to think because I'm aware of that kind of thing I must be Jewish. It's strange, but in an entertaining sort of way.

So continuing this weird trend: I had a conversation with a girl (who is Jewish) in the program the other day, prompted by my mentioning I wanted to try out the kosher pizza place in the Marais because it looked really good. It went something like this:

Her: So, do you keep kosher?

Me: Uh, well, I'm not actually Jewish. So, no.

Her: Oh, wow, really? Because you look really Jewish, and I don't normally say that to people!

Okay, mes amis, you can decide for yourself whether I look Jewish or not. But! The best part? While we were talking I was eating a ham pizza.

Yesterday I went to the Museum of Jewish Art and History - they had a really interesting exhibit on Superman and other comics. I went into the museum part, too, because I figured, why not? I was already there and it seemed interesting.

So while I was walking around there was an older American guy there who noticed that I was reading both the French and English signs. He asked me if I knew English, and I replied, yes, I am American. He seemed pleased that I was showing such interest in the exhibits and occasionally commented to me about the prettiness of something or asked me to translate. He was nice. When I left for the comic exhibit he said I "seemed like a nice Jewish girl." I just smiled at him and said goodbye.

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