Tuesday, January 29, 2008

why is the harp store not on Rue de la Harpe?!

On Friday I went to the Budin harp shop off the Champs-Elysees because they specialize in antique harps and I need string advice for my antique. Also my mom has been in contact with them for a while, so I knew they'd be able to help me.

As I have mentioned before, the Champs-Elysees and surrounding areas are the center of Paris' Fashion Week, with all kinds of people wandering the streets, including many photographers. As I was walking, apparently one thought I was somehow involved in/interested in/otherwise concerned with Fashion Week and stopped me to ask if he could take my picture for a Paris fashion blog. I was a little bewildered but I agreed. Then he figured out I was American and became even more convinced I must be there to check it out. He explained it was just a little blog and not professional but of course was covering Fashion Week. They wanted to show some of the fashions of people on the street.

Now, dear readers, I am not overly fashionable, but in Paris I try a bit harder than say, in Ithaca. But it was cold outside and mostly all anyone could see was by black peacoat. I suspect my hair being pulled back into a nice bun deceived the photog. Anyway, I unbuttoned the coat and struck a (rather awkward, I felt) pose in my black sweater, grey silk wrap skirt, tights and black boots. I was wearing a nifty hand-made necklace but I doubt that's what got their attention.

They were all intermittently flashing pictures of people who were walking around, so it wasn't all that odd, I was just rather surprised. So if anyone out there frequents Paris fashion blogs and finds me on one...let me know.

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