Tuesday, March 18, 2008

goodbye, bavaria

Because it doesn't fit in anywhere else here's a view from my cousin's apartment. You can see why I am quite jealous of his location.

So the next day the Germans went back to Jena or wherever else they might want to go, and we had to find somewhere to print my tickets. After another very large breakfast we wandered around looking for internet cafes and such, finally having to print them in a fabulously sketchy "casino".

Then to the most important part of my journey: the quest for lederhosen! It was Sunday, so nothing but churches were open. I had to settle for peering in windows, but I was satisfied. The pics didn't come out so well, though, because I was taking them through glass. Here's some men's lederhosen then baby lederhosen! Note the suspenders.

Actually on Friday night we saw people coming back from the Bockbierfest wearing lederhosen and that made my night; my cousin said sometimes people just wear them around!

There isn't much left to tell about my Bavaria trip..we walked around for a while before I had to leave, so I got to see pretty much all of the town. My knowledge of German at least tripled during my 2 days there so that's kind of exciting. I would definitely go back to Bavaria; to be honest I didn't terribly like Germany when I went years ago - it wasn't very interesting - but I didn't see this area. If I get the opportunity to go back, I will.

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