Thursday, March 6, 2008

no mistakes, my dears

I want to go to Versailles this week but it's so cold! Every day I go out hoping it'll be nice enough to walk around the gardens but it's not. I've not been able to sleep at all this week and I'm getting past the point of tiredness into delirium - so apologizes to anyone who's been subjected to that recently (ahem, Tim, David, Priyam, Kerry).

I was almost asleep last night and then there was a spider on my bed. It was all I could do not to screech, and I couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

I'm thinking I should just ignore all personal interaction while I'm here as that hasn't been working out so well for me. I've messed up everything with all my friends at home and have gotten into the middle of two distinctly different crowds here: the ones who were tipsy off half a glass of wine a couple of weeks ago, and the ones who spent last weekend in Amsterdam testing out every story they've ever heard about the place. It's rather awkward and honestly I'd prefer to hang out with the people from my French class.

The Bastille Opera building is so confusing. I want to get a student season pass (such good deals! so cheap!) but I literally cannot find the ticketing place in the Opera. Verdi! The Barber of Seville! Dido and Aeneas!

I'm pretty sure I should just become one of those disaffected, bitter Parisians who sits in Montparnasse all the time. And wears black berets. I just can't bring myself to take up smoking - otherwise I'd be perfect!

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