Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i'm really cold

because I am sick again. Anyone surprised? Didn't think so. It's not anything too bad, just annoying...I think I have a mild case of the flu or something. I definitely have a fever and am FREEZING right now.

So life in Paris hasn't been terribly eventful the past couple of weeks. I talked to a nice old man on the Metro yesterday who asked me for the time. Numbers are my downfall in any language (including English) so that took a lot of effort. He chatted to me about how he's happy that his English is very good (it wasn't) and that he knows Italian too, and obviously French. For some reason he thought I was Spanish but when I said I was American he said, "God bless America!" He's the only person to have expressed such a sentiment so far, and it really surprised me.

We've spent 2 weeks learning about various French pronouns in class and it's killing my brain. I love grammar and such but these are so hard! I also have to come up with a topic for my 10 page research paper for my lit I have had actual work to do.

In other news, I am going to Eastern Europe this weekend and am ridiculously excited! (By the way, the Germans made fun of me for using the word "ridiculous" in normal conversation - is that weird? They seemed to think it was terribly snotty and stilted, but maybe that's because they mostly talk to a Southerner...) We're going to Bratislava, Slovakia from Friday morning to Tuesday evening, and we'll be taking trips to Budapest and Vienna, both of which are really close. I hear there's a short boat ride you can take from Bratislava to Vienna and we'll see if we can do that.

This will be my first time in Eastern Europe! (Unless you count Turkey? I don't think so.) Slavs! Hungarians! I can feel many a history lesson coming on.

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