Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blogging = procrastinating

This will be pretty short as there isn't a lot going on around here at the moment.

It's August so everything is closed.  My favorite boulangeries (to get fresh bread), my favorite crepe place (Au Petit Grec, for Mom, is indeed closed all month), lots of restaurants and stores; my favorite sellers at the market - the Lebanese guy, the guy who sells nuts and dried fruit, both cheese sellers, my preferred fruit vendor - are gone until September.  I'm left with just the lettuce guy, the depopulated Mouffetard fruit market, inferior boulangeries, and Franprix for my food needs. 

The constant raining has stopped for the most part and although it's not quite warm yet it's been much nicer out.  I asked Aurelien if this has been a particularly bad summer but he said it's not surprising for Paris to be rainy and cold during late July-August.  And I was hoping this was an anomaly!  Ah well, with any luck I'll be in Montpelier next August.

I'm happy to report that Aurelien is just as awesome as ever.  But despite my much better grasp of French I still can't understand half of what he says.  He called last night and we spoke for almost ten minutes but all I got was that he had made a lemon tart and did I want to come hang out?  Either I have some sort of mental block or he really needs to work on enunciation, because I can understand every other French person I talk to!

Most people in my program are getting ready to leave, and will be going next week or the week after.  My plans have been settled, and I will be going back to NY on September 6th and coming back to Paris on the 15th.  Mark your calendars! 

1 comment:

bdaniels said...

I hope everything works out okay for you and the visa comes through on time. I do enjoy your blog and hope you continue with it. I would be interested in what you do with the children - is there a park nearby where you will take them or will you take them for walks? I am sure there will be naps in the afternoon. I am thinking of you.