Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I missed an earthquake?!

Oh man.  So I know earthquakes are pretty awful and devastating.  But (always the but) I am semi disappointed that I missed it!  I've never been in even a tiny earthquake and I kind of feel like experiencing a small (very small) earthquake is a life experience I would not mind having.

I hope everyone's okay!  I've already heard from a lot of people in NY that they felt it but so far haven't heard much about the damage.

On an entirely different note, it's my mom's birthday tomorrow! Well, technically today here.  Happy birthday Mother!


mjcburton said...

Thank you, daughter!

DNineMoons said...

I was in the park in npt and still managed to miss it, I was totally depressed when I heard I missed it! BOO.

tpb said...

Now you are going to miss a hurricane!!

Anonymous said...

Depending on where you were during the earthquake you may or may not have felt it even here in NY!

It's good you will not be traveling back during the impending hurricane.

We look forward to seeing you soon in SFS.
