Monday, August 22, 2011

Still nothing to write about

Hang in there, guys.  I have two sightseeing posts planned but one is waiting for photos to be sent and the other requires me to go through a million pictures.

In the meantime, like I said last time, I haven't been doing much.  The weather's gotten much more summery, which is nice, but I haven't been doing a ton of sightseeing.  This is the time of year when Paris empties of Parisians and just as many tourists come to replace them, and I have a very strong aversion to tourists.  I haven't even been to Notre Dame yet this trip because each time I pass it's a mob scene.

I'm moving out of this apartment in one week!  I really love this apartment and its location; the other one probably has an even better location but is a six floor walk up, is tiny, and will not come fully equipped with cooking supplies and household items.  Did anyone see Midnight in Paris, the newest Woody Allen movie?  I haven't (sad!) but all my friends did and they've told me that "the street" in the movie is, in fact, where I will be living, La Rue de la Montagne de Ste Genevieve.  Longest street name ever. 

My first day of "work" is this coming Sunday.  The mother called me this past weekend and I discovered that the event she so urgently needs to go to on the 28th is in fact a bar mitzvah!  So I will be going with them to watch the baby and the next smallest kid, along with the other family's youngest child, who is the baby's age.  I have my work cut out for me I guess.  I'm not really sure whether to be interested in seeing a French bar mitzvah or to be dreading the inevitable bad DJ and awkward 13 year olds. 

The school year starts the following week I think, or at least that's when the mother is going back to work.  And then the week after that I will be coming back to NY to do all my visa stuff.  So pencil it in, people, I'll be in NY September 6-15 (if I haven't already said that). 

1 comment:

mjcburton said...

Good luck at the bar mitzvah! And you will know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Look at the bright side, maybe someone there will know if there is a good Jewish deli in Paris.