Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Mini post!

I occasionally peruse the blog traffic statistics.  Mostly it's kind of depressing because not that many people read here, but hey, sometimes it's entertaining!

A couple of weeks ago I got 18 hits in one day from the Netherlands.  Cool!  Except they must not have liked what they saw since they never came back.  :(

Other interesting countries recently have included Russia, Lithuania (this one comes back it seems - and I don't think it's the one Lithuanian I sort of know since I'm pretty sure he's in London?), Georgia, Denmark, India, and...Saudi Arabia.  Hm.  Okay.  Mostly these people never come back so I assume they're random visitors.  But, hello, if you're out there!

Also it makes me nerdily happy to see the occasional visitor coming in from Googling historical stuff.  Last week someone found me while looking up stuff on the Commune of Paris.  I hope you got some decent information!


DNineMoons said...

I am sadly quite behind in my blog reading and am currently catching up, but funny link first. I was being lazy and tried to google your web address instead of type it and found your sister blog lol: http://angelicainparis.wordpress.com/.

A said...

OMG that is weird. I like it though, I feel like she writes sort of like me! I'm slightly creeped out though.

DNineMoons said...

Haha right?? You should totally message her :).

psdan said...

I do not read your comments often but sure find them interesting when I do. Maybe I will make a point to visit more often while Phil is working.