Tuesday, May 27, 2008

our time is running short

My friend Natasha has been here in Paris for the last few days, and I've been staying with her at her hotel near the Eiffel Tower. She's not actually a big fan of Paris and it's raining a lot, so we mostly have been sitting in cafes and pseudo shopping. She leaves tonight, so I'll be able to update more.

I had the written part of my French exam on Saturday and it went very well, I thought. Based on the practice exams we saw it was average difficulty, but I was particularly pleased with the essay topic (what role does reading play in your life and what do you read). Of course, I realized I did make a few mistakes: I wrote "sa elegance" (stupid mistake!!!) and I couldn't think of the opposite of "qualities" even in English.

Anyway, in about an hour I have the oral part of the exam. I should leave to go meet Dmitriy, actually. A bientot!

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