Thursday, May 8, 2008


I've gone through about 250/1000 pics so far, but I don't even have the Milan ones all done. When I do I will post a thing on that and continuing as I finish.

Today is Victoire in France, celebrating victory in WWII, so it is a holiday. I don't have class and it is absolutely GORGEOUS out so I walked around Paris. A friend and I went to Pere Lachaise cemetery, which was really interesting, and walked around Montmartre a little. It is still 77 degrees out! And everything is blooming and pretty...sigh, I love Paris!

Tomorrow I am taking a little trip to Bordeaux with another friend. It should be really nice...we are going to do a short wine tasting course (yes, I know, Mother, I am a wino), visit the vineyards, explore the city, then do a day in the Basque region. French Basques are not as militant as Spanish, and mostly they just enjoy their own culture without making a fuss. The countryside there is really beautiful and we are going to take a train up a mountain near the Pyrenees. Since we didn't know much about the area we talked to Holly and she recommended a bunch of things to do that are off the beaten tourist path (not that many tourists go to the Pays Basque).

These are my last few weeks in Paris! I'm sad. But the next 2 weeks friends are coming to visit, so that should be nice. With one it is her first time to Paris so I guess I'll be doing all the touristy stuff I haven't done this semester - like going up the Eiffel Tower, etc. Anyway, updates on that later.


Unknown said...

Angie! I am such a bad noter, I am shamed. Turns out I'm a better reader than noter, but know that I've been following this religiously (I stalk you while I'm at work yay) and I appreciate ever so much that you are documenting your trip so well! I know I wish I had something like this to look back on from my time there. I really give you credit for all the traveling you're doing on your own, you're much braver than I am! Sorry this is in english, French just takes so much thought now, it's rather triste.

In other news, I think I've decided you ladies in the wedding should wear silver shoes. Vicki has already bought some strappy ones by Chinese Laundry. Maybe you can keep your eyes open for some parisian silver shoes, ohh la la. My only suggestion would be to not have the heel too high, we all know how short I am.

It's sad your stay is coming to an end, but it seems like you've really made the most of it, and I give you credit for that! I look forward to seeing you when you get back and see more pictures and hearing more adventures.

PS, I love Pere Lachaise cemetary, it's amazing. I only got there once, but wish I could have seen more of it.

A bientot!

Anonymous said...

Hello Angie,
J'espère que tu es allée à bordeaux par le TGV,le Train à Grande Vitesse.Bientôt,la ligne rapide va être construite entre Tours et Bordeaux.Il ne faudra plus alors que 2 heures ,centre à centre,pour aller de Paris à Bordeaux en train!Can you imagine the same between NYC and Washington?
Ce que tu dis des Basques,côté France,est très vrai.Ils sont plus pacifiques que leurs cousins espagnols mais aussi fiers cependant.On dit que ,bien avant Christophe Colomb,mais après les Vikings,ils chassaient dèja la baleine au large de Terre Neuve au Canada!Je comprends aussi ta tristesse de quitter Paris .Je pense que tu vas laisser derrière toi de nombreux amis.Rassure toi.Tu reviendras!
Moi,je te remercie d'aimer notre capitale française et européenne.J'aime aussi aller à New York pour retrouver mes amis américains et français qui y vivent ...on the other side of the Big Pond.
Have a good flight home but come back as soon as possible.Paris is impossible to forget once you have lived here!
Au revoir.Richard.