Monday, April 21, 2008

11:57am [yesterday]: Awake and showered. I’m going to finish the articles and books from yesterday then head back to the library. It’s noon and almost 60 degrees! Good job, Paris…just don’t rain.

12:26pm: Rain.

12:52pm: Just used the word “besmirch” in my notes not because it was in the text, but because I couldn’t think of a less pretentious word to use to summarize.

12:56pm: Temperature going down! Nooo!

1:04pm: Yes, this article is great! Just what I need AND argues with another article I have. Now I just need to find a way to say both Mayan and Aztec customs are relevant…

2:03pm: I just realized that if the photocopying machines in the library aren’t working, I’ll have to actually take out all the books I need and bring them home, even if it’s just for a few pages. It’s bad enough taking my laptop there, but if I’m also going to be hauling around 7-8 more books, I don’t think I can fit them all. I could take 2 bags, I guess. Or I could go to the library, print the articles I need, take out the books, and bring them all back to work on here. The problem with that is I would probably waste more time here. But then again, I do have consistent internet access. And then I could get enough food for today, too…hmm

4:42pm: Just got back from the library and found out I have a niece! Interesting. I got a bunch of books and a minimal amount of food (chips, juice, yogurt, granola bars) to last me from now until 3pm tomorrow, I hope.

6:19pm: Took a little eating/relaxing break, but now back to work. Starting to get a little worried.

6:45pm: I do love the cello immensely. If I drink a lot of water will it stop me from getting too hungry?

7:27pm: Old sources for this sort of thing are so weird. Very unPC but they clearly think they’re progressive. This one is describing the “physical types” of the natives and it’s slightly disconcerting. Also, I do not care about ancient weather conditions. Thanks.

7:38pm: “Miles states that Postclassic sculpture lacks artistic merit and shows strong foreign influence.” Harsh, Miles, harsh.

8:03pm: Getting restless with this stupid old book.

8:22pm: Done with it! Now for a light reading break.

8:45pm: And back to work.

9:35pm: mmph…getting a headache. But finally, some stuff to push against in this paper!

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