Saturday, February 9, 2008

first trip outside the city

I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow to visit Mont St. Michel with the program people. Everyone is finally here - some aren't taking AUP classes so didn't need to come until this week - so there are a whole bunch of new people to meet. Mont St. Michel, for those who might not know, is a very small island in Normandy that was fortified from ancient times, and now has a village and a huge, old monastery. At high tide you can't cross to the island because the road to it gets washed out. From pictures I've seen it's gorgeous and quaint - I can't wait to see it. We'll see what happens with my camera, but for now here's its Wikipedia site:

I haven't done much exciting the past few days, just roamed around, did homework, and ate a bunch of panini. I must be getting really good at looking French, because people stop me constantly on the streets to ask about things. They're not pickpocketing or anything, they're mostly lost people. I don't know if this happens to most Parisians, but really, it's about every time I go out. David offered an explanation (and I know you're going to read this, so hello! Aren't you glad I name-checked you again? It's because you're awesome. Evidence below.)

d9k22:i mean, you do look very european
d9k22:what with your pale "i was raised behind silk curtains in a palace upon a great hill above the peasant village" skin
Ponine8170: when people say i look pale "like death" i will tell them that instead
d9k22:you do not look like death
d9k22:just a misunderstood but beautiful tb-ridden child of a grand duke

Well, if one can pull off being a artistic sort of sickly, Paris is the place to do it.


Sachinky said...

yaay, I found your blog!

A said...

PRIYAM! I didn't even know you had one! But yay, I love you!