Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a lazy day

Today might wind up being the first time I stay home all day. It is starting to get nicer out, but I have to prepare a paper for my midterm tomorrow. Also, I stayed up until about 4:30 checking the results of the primaries, so didn't wake up until noon. My original plan for today was go wander the Latin Quarter (again) and go to my new favorite place, a bookshop near St. Severin's church. I wanted to go see if my one book had come in and ask about some others, and also to take pictures of the shop for certain people who only wish they had a super-awesome, medieval-vaulted , bilingual, Canadian-run Abbey Bookshop near them but don't! Alas, I found out yesterday that all the batteries I have for my new camera will only last about 10 seconds. Sad.

Unless I go out with program people late I probably will stay here all day, doing homework, brushing up on my French (aka reading Harry Potter in French) and writing up some cathedral and concerts reviews. Hooray! I would like to do this while sitting on my balcony but I think it's still a bit cold for that. Anyway, that means you guys are in for a bunch of new posts today. Aren't you excited??

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